We offer training in all areas of human resources and management. Our training programmes are customized to fit the needs of the client. We have designed and delivered training packages in the following areas among many:
We offer training in all areas of human resources and management. Our training programmes are customized to fit the needs of the client. We have designed and delivered training packages in the following areas among many:
(8x3days module over 12 Months)
( 8 x 3days module over a period of 8 Months)
(6x 2day modules over 6 months)
(8 sessions -1 week)
Organizational Communication, Written communication including Report Writing, Results Focused Business Presentations, Advanced Telephone Techniques, Research Skills for Managers, Social Skills for balanced living including interpersonal communication, Personal Effectiveness, Goal Attainment with Little or No Sweat, Time Management, Stress Prevention & Management, Interviewing Techniques, Training Skills for Managers, Facilitation Techniques, On-the-job mentoring, Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making, Running Effective Meetings, Negotiation Techniques, Conflict Prevention & Conflict Resolution.
Training Needs Analysis, Organizational Diagnosis/Organization Development, Performance Management, Strategic Planning/Management, Marketing & Selling Skills, Empowerment Techniques for Individuals and Teams, Organizational Creativity and Innovation, Public Relations and Image Building, Customer Service/Care, Leadership & Management Development, Team Development & Team Building, Working in Teams and Working with Teams, Servant Leadership
Whatever your training needs in Management and Human Resources, BEST PRACTICES will package a customized programme for your organization and deliver it with world-class resource persons.